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Do This Before Laser Hair Removal for Better Results

Do This Before Laser Hair Removal for Better Results

Laser hair removal can give you a permanent solution to your unwanted hair problem. Regular waxing, shaving, or tweezing can be exhausting, but it is time to rest. Your problem will be gone in only a few laser treatments. Reaching out to the best providers like Inbloom Health Medispa specialists ensures you get expert services for better results. However, other factors can enhance laser hair treatment results, and you are in control. The preparation stage is critical and can significantly affect the result of your treatment. Please pay attention to the following preparation tips to boost the effectiveness of our laser hair removal.

Shave Before Your Appointment

It would help if you shaved on your laser hair removal appointment. Shaving can affect your treatment in several different ways. It allows the laser energy to easily get to your hair follicles since less hair is on the skin. Also, it decreases your discomfort since less hair will be burned on the skin. Please consult your doctor on the right time to shave, but you can do it about 24 to 48 hours before your appointment.

Quit Waxing or Plucking

Plucking or waxing are effective ways of temporarily eliminating unwanted hair. However, they work by removing the hair roots. Remember that laser hair removal targets the hair roots and can be complicated when no hair roots exist. Your treatment can become longer than intended. In most cases, your doctor will recommend that you stop waxing or plucking for about six weeks before your appointment. Shaving is ok and encouraged before going for your appointment. Remember that you will require several appointments between ten months and must keep the waxing or plucking rule every time.

Keep Your Skin Out of The Sun

Sunburns can cause blistering and pain during laser hair treatment. It can also cause skin discoloration after treatment, affecting your confidence and self-esteem. Your doctor can encourage you to avoid direct sunlight for about two weeks before your appointment. It also means you stay off self-tanners and tanning beds. Ensure you use sunscreen anytime you spend the day outdoors on a sunny day. You can also cover the treatment area always when you are outside.

Skip Some Medications

It is crucial to discuss your medications and current treatments during your consultation appointment with your doctor. Some topical and oral medications can complicate your treatments and should be avoided. Talk to your doctor if you are on birth control pills, antibiotics, photosynthesizing, and acne medications. Your provider is in a better position to help you adjust your medication regime accordingly. You might need to look for alternative treatments. The medications can make your treatment less effective or cause your skin to be sensitive, increasing the risks of burns and blisters.

Skip Creams and Makeup

Beauty products are essential, but you should discuss them with your doctor before treatment. Most products have ingredients that can interfere with your laser treatment. Talk to your doctor about anything you apply topically, including makeup, lotion, deodorant, and ointment. Only use soap and water to cleanse the treatment area. Even when you use the makeup remover, do not forget to rinse the area thoroughly with water.

Are you ready to permanently eliminate unwanted hair? Get in touch with the Inbloom Health + Medispa to evaluate the laser hair removal option. Make a call today and schedule your consultation appointment.