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How a Neuropsychological Evaluation Can Make A Difference?

How a Neuropsychological Evaluation Can Make A Difference?

A neuropsychological evaluation is a thorough assessment of the abilities and skills associated with your brain functions. It measures areas like – 

  1. Attention
  2. Memory
  3. Language
  4. Executive Function
  5. Problem-solving
  6. Visual-spatial skills
  7. IQ
  8. Social-emotional functioning

Parents need to bear in mind that neuropsychological evaluation does not change your child’s attitude or skills. Neuropsychological testing helps teachers, parents, and treating professionals to understand your child better. It helps to identify why your child is struggling in specific areas and thus treatments or interventions can be planned. It can be a great game-changer in your young child’s life!

In Colorado Springs, Neuro Hope offers advanced assessment tools for treating physical, psychological, and cognitive symptoms. For your child’s neuropsychological testing Colorado Springsyou can contact Dr. Bonackfor identifying the problematic areas and suggesting solutions.

Some areas of concerns that need a neuropsychological evaluation

  1. Learning disorders
  2. Inattentiveness, impulsivity, hyperactivity
  3. Processing speed deficits
  4. Struggling with planning and organizing
  5. Fine motor deficits
  6. Visual-spatial problems
  7. Language delays
  8. Anxiety
  9. Behavior problems
  10. Depression
  11. Autism spectrum disorder

What to expect during a neuropsychological evaluation?

A comprehensive child evaluation has several stages. 

Parent(s) or guardian(s) and child intake session

‘Intake’ is a medical term. It means getting to know the child from a parent’s viewpoint. It is the first session of evaluation, which typically lasts about an hour. The parents/guardian gets a chance to share details about their child’s educational, developmental medical, and psychological history. They can even ask questions about the process. 

It is also during this time that the neuropsychologist meets your child and is able to interact with them. This often helps your child to feel more at ease as they move forward with the testing process. This time also allows for your child to ask any questions they may have. Parents are usually given questionnaires to fill out once the testing process begins. Filling out these questionnaires is an important part of the process so that we better understand your observations and concerns related to your child’s daily activities.

The duration of the testing days differs because every neuropsychologist has different ways they practice. Some complete testing in a couple of days, so that your children miss less time at their school. Testing can occur for 3 to 4 hours for two or three days, while others may administer long testing sessions with breaks. 

School consultation

Sometimes, the neuropsychologist may need to view your child’s classroom behavior. Observations may include how they respond to their peers and teachers, do they work independently, are they compliant with adult directives, do they feel anxious in the classroom or how much they can focus on classroom tasks. 

Feedback session

The results of the neuropsychological testing along with recommendations get reviewed in the feedback session with parents/guardians. Often times you receive two copies of the written evaluation that you can share with the school and other doctors as needed.


The neuropsychologist continues to work with parents and others involved in the child’s treatment collaboratively as a team. Some neuropsychologists even participate in IEP or school meetings or refer educational consultant on parents’ approval. 

Student’s insecurities and strengths can be identified. Recommendations to enhance weaknesses with their strengths will help the students to move forward. The identified strengths can be a solution that can create hope in your child’s life. 

Reach out and work with professional neuropsychologists….Bring Hope!