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How to Maintain Long-Term Health after Bariatric Surgery

How to Maintain Long-Term Health after Bariatric Surgery

Surgery can sometimes be considered for weight loss when exercises fail to deliver results. Several bariatric surgery procedures can help eliminate stubborn fat in some hard-to-get areas. The Peachtree Surgical & Bariatrics specialists offer procedures like the gastric band, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve surgery to affect your digestive system and drastically minimize your food consumption. But remember that you can reverse the results with poor lifestyle and dietary choices after your treatment. That is why it is critical to learn how to maintain your bariatric surgery results and improve your general health. Follow through for more information.

Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions

Your doctor will send you home with special recovery instructions after bariatric surgery. The instructions can go beyond your recovery to ensure you enjoy long-term health. The instructions mainly affect your diet and eating habits which will change drastically from what you were used to. If you can follow general rules through your recovery, it can help you permanently adopt specific habits to boost your long-term health. You might be required to eat a significant portion of proteins since you will not be eating much food overall to meet your body’s needs. Also, you will have to cut your sugar and fat intake and focus on vitamins. Also, you might have to avoid fluids during meal time.

Eat Small Meals Throughout the Day

After your bariatric surgery, you will be required to eat several small meals throughout the day rather than eating large meals. Adapt to eating about five to six meals a day than three main meals since the size of your digestive tract is permanently reduced. You will have to cut your diet and eating habits to eating small quantities of food to avoid other symptoms like diarrhea and nausea. Also, you have to chew your food before swallowing thoroughly. Therefore, consider grinding your meat before cooking it for easier digestion.

Develop an Exercise Regime

Exercises can help you maintain your bariatric surgery results. It will help you keep healthy and maintain a healthy weight. But ensure you discuss your exercise routine with your doctor as not all exercises can help you. Ensure you adopt a routine you find fun and entertaining and those that can make you work hard and sweat more. You can also consider hiring a personal trainer to keep you motivated through your exercise regime.

Seek Support

You will need to make important lifestyle choices after bariatric surgery. Sometimes it might not be easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle at once. You might need help from medical professionals to help you adapt to the new life. You can seek psychological support to deal with the significant changes in your life and seek nutritional counseling to help you moderate your eating habits.

Remain Alert

Hopefully, everything should be fine after bariatric surgery. But that does not eliminate the chances of risks and complications arising. Therefore, be aware of the things you can detect early, signaling a problem so you can take action early. Understand that complications might arise immediately after your surgery or later in life. Therefore, keep in contact with your doctor even after recovering from the surgery.

If you think you can gain from bariatric procedures, you can get help from bariatric & general surgery specialists in Buckhead. You can make an in-person appointment or book your appointment online or via a call.