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Main Causes of Eczema & Rashes

Main Causes of Eczema & Rashes

Eczema is a prevalent skin condition that affects people of all ages. The skin becomes itchy, dry and irritated and can lead to cracked and bleeding skin. Eczema & rashes Santa Barbara can affect your whole body or just specific areas. Some people have few rashes but suffer from severe eczema symptoms. You may also find yourself scratching your rash until it bleeds. That is called self-injury. It means you are doing something to see if the itch will go away, like scratching or picking at the rash. You could injure yourself further if you rub too hard because the inflammation has broken open and exposed raw tissue underneath it.

Rashes are a common skin problem that affects both children and adults. They can be painful and itchy. Rashes can be caused by bacterial infections, allergies or viral infections.

There are many reasons for getting eczema and rash. Some are physiological, some are due to stress, and some are genetic. But there are a few leading causes for it.

Food Allergies

Food allergies are one of the leading causes of eczema and rash. The body reacts to certain foods and produces IgE antibodies against them. When a person with food allergies eats that food, their body starts producing histamine and other inflammatory chemicals to fight the reaction. That leads to an allergic reaction in the body, which causes itching, redness, swelling and other skin problems.

Mercury Poisoning

Mercury poisoning is one of the significant causes of eczema and rash in children. Mercury affects the central nervous and body systems, causing many health issues such as eczema or rashes.

Mercury poisoning occurs due to consuming contaminated fish or seafood from certain rivers or lakes with high mercury contamination levels.


Stress is another reason for eczema and rash formation. Stress causes a rise in cortisol hormone levels which leads to inflammation of the skin cells and damages them further when they come into contact with bacteria or irritants from clothes etc., causing rashes and other skin problems.

Pollen Allergy

Pollen allergy is another common cause of eczema and rashes. It occurs when the person inhales or comes in contact with pollen from plants such as grasses and trees. The pollen causes an allergic reaction in your body, leading to itching, redness, swelling and other skin problems.

Hormonal Changes

Your hormone levels can affect your skin in many ways. Usually, the release of cortisol during stress can cause your skin to become dry and irritated. It often happens in people with eczema. Another hormone that can affect your skin is estrogen. Estrogen helps maintain the moisture barrier on your skin, so if you have too much estrogen in your system, you will have a dryer complexion than usual.

Also, hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can lead to eczema and rashes. Other hormonal changes that may trigger symptoms include the following:

The most important thing to remember about treating eczema and rashes is that it is a long-term commitment. If you have rashes or are experiencing severe eczema symptoms, contact LUX Dermatology to schedule an appointment or to speak with a doctor who specializes in dermatology.