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Soft vs Hard Enamel Pins

Soft vs Hard Enamel Pins

Do you ever wonder how custom enamel pins are made?

Most enamel pin manufacturers offer soft or hard enamel pins, but what is the difference between the two?

Hard Enamel

Hard enamel pins are made by putting in enamel in layers and within recessed metal areas. The product is then polished and made to be uniformly flat and polished.

Hard enamel boasts higher durability and is quite scratch-resistant. They exhibit a clean and polished look but they’re more expensive than their soft counterparts.

Also, the costs to produce hard enamel pins are higher compared to soft pins. Simple designs are best done via hard enamel due to the flat surface and level of shine.

Soft Enamel

Soft enamel pins are made using a single pouring process within the recessed metal. The product is also baked in high temperatures and polished afterward. More importantly, you get a textured feel since the enamel material is not level with the metal edges.

This type of enamel pin has medium durability and can be made with intricate details in mind. They’re cheaper and faster to produce.

Picking the Right One

Hard and soft enamel pins have their own pros and cons, but choosing which one is best for you depends on what you want them for.

For intricate detailing and designs then you should get soft enamel. It’s also the solution when you want something cheaper. To make commemorative pins or items that last a long time, then you should get hard enamel.

GS-JJ is your go-to company for custom challenge coins and custom enamel pins. For companies who want to promote their brand and enjoy greater visibility, enamel pins are a great and cost-effective option.

Now that you know the difference between hard and soft enamel pins, you can be sure to have a product that suits your needs and preferences.