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Sore Throat : What you should know?

Sore Throat What you should know?

A sore throat is a painful sensation at the back of the throat, which may cause discomfort when swallowing or speaking. It can be caused by a range of factors such as bacterial or viral infections, allergies, and sleeping with an open mouth. Although sore throat symptoms usually clear up in a few days, it’s important to consult a doctor if symptoms persist for more than a week, worsen, or if you develop other symptoms such as fever or swollen lymph nodes. Dr. Annabelle Leong is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon with more than 17 years ENT experience in Singapore. She manages all types of ENT conditions in both adults and children including voice hoarseness, blocked nose, snoring, sinus and sleep disorders.

What are the symptoms of a sore throat?

A sore throat can initially feel dry and scratchy, or it may feel like a burning sensation. As the condition progresses, one may experience a sharp pain in your throat when talking or swallowing. Discomfort may also be felt in your ears or along the side of your neck.

Should a sore throat be a cause for concern?

It depends on the underlying cause. In some cases, such as if it lasts for more than two weeks, a sore throat may indicate a more serious condition like throat cancer. However, in most cases, a sore throat is associated with less severe illnesses. It would be best to consult with a top ENT doctor to understand the underlying cause.

What are the symptoms of a sore throat?

In addition to throat pain, a sore throat can cause other symptoms like fever, headache, upset stomach, swollen lymph nodes, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, fatigue, and hoarseness.

What are the causes of sore throats?

Bacterial infections such as strep throat and bacterial sinus infections can cause sore throats, accompanied by other symptoms like fever, headache, and swollen lymph nodes. Antibiotics could be given as treatment for such infections.

You have an allergy to pollen, dust mites, pets or mold, it can also result in a sore throat. This happens because mucus drips down your throat and irritates it, causing it to become dry and scratchy. To treat allergies, you should try to avoid the allergen and take antihistamines or decongestants.

Sore throat can be caused by tonsillitis, which occurs when the tonsils, located at the back of the throat, get infected and inflamed by bacteria or viruses that they trap. To treat tonsillitis, antibiotics, painkillers, and rest are usually recommended.

People with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may also experience sore throat. GERD occurs when the acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus, causing heartburn and pain in the throat. Treatment for GERD usually involves lifestyle changes, such as avoiding certain foods and losing weight, and medication to reduce acid production.

Overuse of irritants and smoking as well as voice straining through screaming can also cause sore throat. Thus, resting the voice and avoiding irritants can help in relieving symptoms.

Finally, mouth breathing during sleep can also cause sore throat. Breathing through the mouth can cause dryness and irritation, leading to soreness. Using a humidifier and practicing good sleep hygiene, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, can help alleviate symptoms.

How to diagnose a sore throat?

Doctors typically use a physical examination to diagnose sore throats, which involves inspecting the throat, tongue, and ears. To eliminate strep throat as a possibility, ENT specialists may perform a strep test.

How to treat a sore throat?

The treatment for a sore throat depends on its underlying cause. If the sore throat is due to a cold, a doctor may suggest taking over-the-counter medications to alleviate cold symptoms and sore throat. In the case of strep throat, antibiotics may be prescribed to address the bacterial infection. Other treatments are available for specific causes of sore throat, such as postnasal drip caused by allergies, which may be treated with antihistamines to dry up mucus. Acid reflux can be managed with antacids.

There are also things one can do at home to help alleviate sore throat symptoms. Taking a throat lozenge or hard candies may provide temporary relief. Drinking warm liquids like tea with lemon and honey, broth, or bouillon often helps ease the pain and scratchiness. Sucking on ice chips or popsicles can also provide relief. Using a humidifier or vaporizer to add moisture to the air can help soothe dry throats, especially at night when sleeping. It is also important to get plenty of rest, especially if the sore throat is due to overuse of the voice from singing, shouting, or talking a lot. Avoiding irritants like smoking or passive smoke and spicy foods, can also help reduce irritation and allow the throat to heal.

If you want to get rid of a sore throat quickly, it is important to identify the root cause. In general, getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, and avoiding irritants are the best ways to help alleviate sore throat symptoms and speed up the healing process.

How to prevent a sore throat?

In addition to protecting yourself against colds and flu, there are other steps you can take to prevent developing a sore throat:

By following the above preventive measures, you can reduce your risk of developing a sore throat and other respiratory infections