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The 5 Simple Ways to Avoid Neck Pain

The 5 Simple Ways to Avoid Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain is common and significantly affects the quality of your life. Working with pain management physicians to determine the cause of your symptoms and evaluate the treatment options is critical. The Dallas neck pain specialists offer multiple treatment options to help patients regain their painless life. On the better side, neck pain is preventable as most common causes of the problem are avoidable. A thorough assessment with your doctor can help you understand the necessary steps you need to take to prevent future neck pain. The list below includes the most effective steps in preventing neck pain.

Manage Your Posture Regularly

Most cases of neck pain are contributed by poor posture. Experts have found that maintaining the natural curve of your spinal cord through improved posture can significantly minimize your chances of neck pain. Some jobs allow one to sit or stand for long durations, but you can always push your chest forward while you pull the shoulder blades together to maintain balance. Also, ensure your shoulders remain relaxed for easy movement. You must tuck your chin slightly, engage your core, and raise your head properly to prevent a stiff neck. Remember to monitor your posture throughout the day until you adapt restorative poses.

Organize Your Workspace

As mentioned earlier, some jobs demand long durations of standing or sitting, increasing neck pain chances. Fortunately, you can organize your workspace to encourage proper postures and limit the chances of neck stiffness and other posture-related complications. Adjust your computer to your eye level and avoid leaning forward or straining your neck. Also, take a break every hour or sooner, walk around and loosen your neck muscles. Ensure also you get an ideal seat for a healthy posture.

Sleep Better

Your sleeping position can have much more to do with your neck pain than you think. Sleep is important to maintain your spine’s natural position to relieve pressure from your neck. Sleeping flat on your spine can help, but you must ensure you are using a good mattress to preserve the spine’s alignment. Also, ensure you use a good pillow that only supports your neck so that the alignment of your spine will not be affected. Avoid sleeping on your stomach and use a pillow stuck between your legs if you are a side sleeper.

Use Your Electronics Better

Neck pain can result from simple actions such as leaning on one side for long periods when on the phone or bending front when texting. Evaluate your time on your phone and other devices and seek necessary measures to prevent a stiff neck. You might want to use earphones or tune loudspeakers if you are going to be on the phone for a long time. Also, ensure you hold your phone high when texting to avoid leaning.

Stretch Your Neck

It is essential to consult a physical therapist to understand the necessary stretches and exercises for your neck. The neck goes through regular stress daily and finding a way to manage the stress can prevent neck pain and other complications. You can stretch your neck’s back by tucking the chin down and the front by tilting the chin upwards. Also, stretching your shoulders, chest, and shoulder blades can help.

Neck pain is highly avoidable. Contact Magnolia Pain Associates today to learn how to manage your current symptoms and how to prevent the condition in the future. Make a call immediately or use the online tool to schedule a consultation appointment.