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Tips to Help You Take Care of Your Invisalign Aligners

Tips to Help You Take Care of Your Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that straightens your teeth. It uses a series of custom-designed removable aligners to adjust the position of your teeth and jaw. Invisalign aligners are made of transparent, smooth plastics. Invisalign can correct crowded, crooked, or gapped teeth and crossbite, overbite, and underbite. Midtown West Manhattan Invisalign treatment takes eight to twelve months, depending on your dental issues. Invisalign is an effective treatment, but you must take care of your aligners for appropriate functioning. The following tips can help you take care of your Invisalign aligners.

Do not clean your Invisalign trays with toothpaste

Although toothpaste is the cleaning product for your teeth, it may damage your Invisalign aligners. Toothpaste can discolor your trays, making them lose their designed color and become noticeable. Some kinds of toothpaste can make aligners develop a dull sheen making them more visible. To prevent damage, your dentist can recommend the best cleaning agent for your aligners.

Soak your aligners daily

It is essential to soak your aligners daily in an equal ratio of water and vinegar or a particular Invisalign cleaning solution. Ensure they soak for at least fifteen minutes. After soaking, clean your aligners with lukewarm water and a soft toothbrush. Never use hot water to wash or rinse your aligners. Invisalign is made of plastic, so hot water can easily damage them, altering their functioning.

Brush and floss every time you remove your Invisalign trays

Always remove your Invisalign trays before taking your meals and brush and floss before wearing them back. If you do not brush your teeth, food debris trapped on your teeth and gums can get into your aligners, building up plaque. Plaque and tartar can lead to dental issues like gum diseases and cavities. Also, clean your aligners whenever you remove them to eliminate the lingering saliva and plaque.

Replace your aligners when needed

If you detect any defects in your aligners, consult your dentist immediately. Your dentist can replace damaged Invisalign trays to promote constant and effective teeth alignment. Always carry your aligners every time you visit your dentist. During these appointments, your dentist will inspect your trays to ensure they have no defects and are functioning appropriately. You can also have a spare set of Invisalign in case of loss or damage.

Ensure your aligners are in their case when not in use

Always put your aligners in their case when you are not wearing them. Placing the aligners in their case prevents loss or accidental damage. Do not leave your trays in the open air to avoid building up bacteria, which can lead to infections in your teeth and gums. Ensure you clean your Invisalign trays after you remove them from your mouth to remove accumulating saliva and plaque before placing them in the case.

Invisalign is a dental treatment that uses a series of custom-made plastic aligners to straighten your teeth and jaw gradually. To maintain your Invisalign aligners in good condition, do not clean them with toothpaste; soak them daily and replace them when needed. Also, put them in their case when not in use and brush your teeth every time you remove your aligners. Schedule an appointment at Carnegie Dental Wellness for Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth.