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What is Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

What is Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

Non-surgical hair restoration is a cosmetic treatment that helps people with thinning or balding hair to restore their natural look and confidence. It is one of the safest and most effective ways to get new hair growth. During the procedure, your physician uses small needles to inject tiny amounts of proteins, vitamins, and minerals into the scalp. This promotes healthy hair growth in both men and women who have lost hair due to aging or genetics. Non surgical hair restoration Austin is completed in three sessions, spread out over nine months. Each session requires an appointment time of one hour or less and only requires local anesthesia.

What are the benefits of non-surgical hair restoration?

If you are looking for a solution to your hair loss that requires no needles, scalpels, or anesthesia, reach out to Texas Hair Restoration Center professionals. They will perform non-surgical hair restoration, a non-invasive way to regain the volume and thickness you have lost due to hair loss. It can be used to conceal bald spots and fill in gaps that occur in a person’s hairline.