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Why You Should Have an Allergy Test

Why You Should Have an Allergy Test

You are going about your day just fine, and suddenly, you start itching, swelling, developing hives, feeling nauseous or vomiting, and experiencing difficulty breathing, to name a few concerns. The main culprit in such instances is an allergic attack. Various allergens, including dust, pollen, mold, pet dander, and certain meals, could trigger the attacks. If you have had any of the symptoms, allergy testing Duluth is recommended. Among the top reasons you should have an allergy test includes:

Establish the triggers

What’s triggering the allergy? Uncovering this is the most straightforward way to keep the attacks at bay since you will be better positioned to avoid the allergens without impacting your overall health or routine. For instance, if the allergy attacks result from consuming food, you could go ahead and avoid every diet that triggers the reaction. While it might seem practical, you could avoid more items that don’t necessarily cause the reaction, yet your body needs the nutrients for replenishment.

Allergy testing ensures you understand the main allergens and devise a way to avoid or limit their exposure without necessarily altering your whole lifestyle. You can adjust your environment, such as improving indoor aeration or wearing masks during certain seasons, and sufficiently keep the allergens away. In nutritional cases, you might only have to take smaller portions or avoid specific ingredients to avoid the attacks. Such an informed strategy is more productive in the long run, emphasizing the need for allergy testing.

Inform the treatment

Allergies are not curable but can be treated and managed through various approaches. After establishing the allergens, the severity of the attacks, medical history, and your goals, the allergist can furnish you with more information on how to treat or manage the allergies. For instance, you could be a good candidate for immunotherapy. This entails controlled exposure to allergens to help your immune system respond better to the exposure. Allergy testing facilitates such treatments since they won’t be on a trial-and-error basis, which can result in severe, perhaps even life-threatening reactions.

Maintain a more active lifestyle

Among the most effective allergy management measures is avoidance. While it works, it could significantly impact your lifestyle. You could, for example, self-isolate to avoid exposure. This is common in kids where parents feel overwhelmed and opt to keep them at home. After allergy testing, you can maintain better normalcy. For instance, you can inform the teachers and other stakeholders about the specific allergens that trigger attacks. This will make it easier for the child to go to school and other social settings without overly stressing you.

Avoid severe consequences

Allergic attacks can be severe, which is referred to as anaphylaxis. This is mostly seen in food-related attacks, the common culprits including milk, eggs, fish, and nuts. Once you have established you are allergic to such items, you can be well-prepared to avoid severe and potentially life-threatening allergic attacks. You can, for example, be more responsible with your diet, or have medication, mainly epinephrine, in hand at all times.

Allergic attacks can impact your capability to manage daily activities and, in some cases, are potentially fatal. Allergy testing is critical as you strive to keep the attacks at bay, as it helps you develop and maintain a practical regimen. Visit Allergy and Asthma Institute, LLC today for more on allergy testing, treatment, and management options.