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5 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Hormonal Health Issues In Men And Women

5 Common Signs And Symptoms Of Hormonal Health Issues In Men And Women

Hormones are essential for regulating numerous bodily functions, such as metabolism and appetite, reproductive cycles, sexual performance, sleep cycles, mood, and body temperature. Therefore, it is unsurprising that even a modest imbalance can hugely impact your entire health and well-being. Hormone levels naturally fluctuate throughout various life stages, for instance, pregnancy, menses, and menopause in women. Nonetheless, specific health conditions and lifestyle factors could also impact your Atlanta hormone health. Here are some of the key concerns that can signal your hormones are out of balance.

1.         Fatigue

Everyone feels occasionally exhausted. However, you can recover with sufficient hydration, rest, and a good diet. Consider undergoing a full test of your hormone levels if you believe you are taking good care of yourself, but still feel weary or unable to regain optimal health. In the current fast-paced environment, hypothyroidism, and adrenal fatigue are more frequent than you may realize, and a hormonal imbalance check could help diagnose these conditions.

2.         Anxiety

Millions of Americans live with an anxiety-related condition, while many others suffer from a serious depressive disorder. Women are at greater risk of developing these issues as fluctuations in estrogen throughout menses, menopause, and pregnancy are connected to increased depression. Likewise, men with low testosterone levels are more likely to develop a major depressive disorder or anxiety.

3.         Sleeping Problems

Insomnia is associated with a dysregulated hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, which is the core stress response system where the central neurological and endocrine systems interact. This axis is also important for controlling the sleep-wake cycle by producing hormones like cortisol and melatonin.

Melatonin affects the portion of the brain that regulates your circadian cycle, helping you sleep more quickly and remain asleep for longer. Insomnia or difficulties adapting to a new sleep schedule can stem from an inability to release melatonin. Likewise, if your nighttime cortisol levels are overly high, you could have problems going to sleep and feel exhausted.

4.         Digestive Problems

Given that there are more neurotransmitters in the stomach than in the brain, it is unsurprising that anxiety, depression, and hormonal imbalance are sometimes associated with digestive problems. Hormones regulate gut function via the bacterial and microbiome system in your intestines. Thus, a hormone imbalance may change the functioning and number of bacteria in the gut, resulting in symptoms such as constipation, nausea, diarrhea, or bloating.

5.         Reduced Sexual Desire

Low estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are connected to diminished sexual desire in both men and women. A reduced sexual drive is common after 50 years, as this is the age that the synthesis of these hormones declines. Considering estrogen is among the primary hormones regulating a woman’s menses, a decline in estrogen production can also result in irregular periods that are too short, long, heavy, painful, or unpredictable. Additional symptoms to watch out for include mood changes, hot flashes, and infertility.

Hormones are substances secreted into the bloodstream by the endocrine system’s glands. Normal hormone levels support the healthy functioning of your body’s organs. Unfortunately, various factors can lead the endocrine gland to produce too little or too much of a specific hormone, causing an imbalance. These imbalances are responsible for various undesirable symptoms, including weariness, itchy skin, depression, weight gain, and more. If left untreated, more serious complications can develop. Consulting your physician immediately after you identify changes in your energy levels or body is essential to timely treating your hormone imbalance.