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Facts You Should Know About Kidney Stones

Facts you should know about Kidney Stones

Sometimes you may wake up with pain in the lower abdomen and difficulties urinating. Many individuals can have a normal perception of those symptoms. However, these conditions can be a reflag of kidney malfunctioning and other disorders in your reproductive system. If you encounter such symptoms and fear for Murray Hill kidney stones, reach out to a specialist for advanced diagnosis. The following are some facts that you need to know about kidney stones;

Anyone can have Kidney Stones

Many individuals believe that kidney stones occur in people approaching old age. However, that view is not true since the condition can occur to everybody. For example, young children and teenagers are also at risk of getting kidney stones. Therefore, everyone should be cautious since the condition is not limited to a particular group or age.

Men are at Risk of Developing this Condition more than Women

Even if all individuals can have a kidney stone, men usually develop this condition more frequently than female. Essentially, this condition occurs because of an intake diet with greater protein contents. Most men take the meal with a higher composition of salt and proteins, thus having greater exposure to the condition. Nevertheless, women should look out for any symptoms such as pain in their lower abdomen.

Sometimes the Condition may be Asymptomatic

A lack of symptoms usually characterizes the initial stages following the condition’s onset. This situation occurs in individuals having smaller stones. In such cases, the stones exist in the kidney without interfering with physiological functioning, such as the passage of urine. Therefore, those stones can only be detected when examining other conditions such as bloating abdomen using an X-ray.

Individuals can Develop the Condition for Another Time

Certain conditions, such as genetic factors, can make some individuals have greater exposure to stones than others. Notably, some get the condition once and never again, while others individuals can have the condition for the second time. When you develop the condition for a second time, you should seek a checkup concerning the performance of the kidney. Also, if you get the stones for another time, you should observe generic measures such as increasing water intake.

Changing the Diet can help to Reduce the Occurrence of Kidney Stone

Some meals can increase the chances of suffering from the condition. Therefore, altering your diet is crucial to reducing the risks of having kidney stones. For example, you should reduce the intake of salts and processed food. Also, you should take calcium components in moderate proportions, which would help prevent kidney stones. Individuals should turn away from aerated drinks with greater acidic contents that can alter urine components, thus increasing the severity of stones.

Many individuals have been experiencing problems in their urinary systems, such as kidney stones. If you are one of them, you should not worry since I have good news. Michael Rotman, MD, based in Murray Hill, is an experienced urologist who offers a range of treatments for urinary and reproductive problems. Visit him today and enjoy outstanding services.