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How Do You Increase Traffic if you Run a Website?

How Do You increase Traffic if you run a website?

You don’t have to fret about not being able to bring in traffic. There are enough and more ways you can do this. With our tips, your site will grow in no time. Read ahead.


The easiest way to get to get traffic would be through advertisements. You can advertise on Google, getting analytical data on how your adverts are doing.

You could sponsor posts on social media as well. Some social-media sites are better to advertise on than on others, like Facebook and Instagram; you get in-depth insight on how your campaigns are going.


With Search Engine Optimization, your website would be optimized to help it rank better on Google. A lot of factors influence this, including the keywords you use, quality of meta descriptions, the speed of your pages, as well as how well you internally link to more of your content.

To make sure you’ve ticked all the boxes, you’d might want to get professional help. There are quite a few that provide ecommerce SEO services. They’d take care of everything.

As you’re paying someone to do the work for you, go through reviews so that you find experts. Major names like Calgary SEO solutions would be needed.

Be Active Online

Speaking of social media earlier, be active on the platforms. You’ll be able to grow a following, and then link your accounts to your website.

By regularly posting, you’d not only be increasing traffic, but you’d make your user-base more loyal too. Interacting through Instagram or Facebook comments would make your brand seem more personal.

Depending on the site you run, focus on some platforms more than others. A B2C business would benefit being active on image-heavy sites like Pinterest or Instagram.

How Are Your Headlines?

When users scroll through Google, they’ll see the articles you’ve written. They may have exciting content, but no one’s going to click them if their headlines aren’t enticing. Just take a look at what major sites like Buzzfeed are doing – their headlines make you want to learn more the moment you read them.

Give Guest Posts a Go

Many would say guest blogging is dead. But is this true? Definitely not. It’s just that an increasing number of sites let anyone create guest posts, so the status of guest blogging has gone down.

When you create a post for a well-established site, you’d direct their audience to you. You’d be increasing your brand name as well. But more importantly, you’d help yourself be deemed as a more authoritative name on Google, which increases your ranking.

You can also invite others to write guest posts for you. They would likely link back to the post somewhere on their site, leading to you getting traffic.

When you’re running a website, you’d want to do as much as possible to increase its traffic. If you’re new to the game, this can be very intimidating. Although we talked about a few methods, there are many more you could utilize. From the assortment, investing in SEO optimizing your site is vital. You can get a professional team to do it for you.