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Patrick Van Negri’s Secret for Achieving Your Dream Body at Home

Patrick Van Negri’s Secret for Achieving Your Dream Body at Home

Everyone has their ideal body in mind. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Slim, muscular, defined. The type of body that turns heads effortlessly. If you’ve ever visited Patrick Van Negri’s Instagram page, the first thing you may notice is that he is one of the few people who actually have one of these bodies.

But how does he do it? How has he achieved something that 99% of the population cannot, is there some special secret? It turns out there is. You see, before he started seriously working out, Patrick Van Negri would ask the same questions.

Even though he’s always had an incredible physique, and knows every trick in the book, Patrick is always looking for ways to improve. He knows that hundreds of thousands of people follow him, so he’s always looking for knowledge to pass onto them. One day he discovered something amazing. He discovered a way of training that only personal trainers and professional athletes know about. It’s a special way of training known as HIIT.

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. It’s basically a way of working out where you combine periods of intense effort with shorter periods of rest. This is one of the most effective and efficient ways of exercising. Better yet, it’s backed by science and has been used by professional athletes for hundreds of years.

When you do HIIT workouts, your body releases hormones that you just can’t get with regular training. What this type of training does is put your body into overdrive. You will start burning fat and building muscle at an astonishing rate. Far faster than you can possibly imagine. Not only that, but it also has proven benefits for health, and is one of the best things you can do for your heart.

After he started using HIIT, Patrick’s physique went from great to “oh my God”! But the secret sauce, according to Patrick, is a little app called Studio Live. This is a workout app specially created for people who want to do HIIT. It comes packed with 100’s of special workouts, meaning you can cancel your gym subscription and still get pro-level straining. These workouts include the treadmill and running classes, plus bodyweight and dumbbell exercises. There are even special stretching workouts for afterward.

This app lets Patrick exercise wherever he wants and is one of his fitness secrets. What’s more, this app has many other powerful features such as motivating instructors, built-in playlists, and real-time leader boards.

What’s especially compelling about this app is that it lets you work out at home, which is excellent during the pandemic. With this unique app, you can quickly achieve your dream body without ever leaving the house. Patrick Van Negri has done it, and so have the thousands of people who use Studio Live. Best of all, you can try it for FREE for 7 days. What are you waiting for?