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The Benefits of Technology During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Benefits of Technology During the Coronavirus Pandemic

With the threat of COVID-19 ever-present in our lives, it’s no wonder that companies around the globe are scrambling to maintain business-as-usual. As a result of the outbreak, essentially every sector of commerce, in every industry, has been affected. It’s caused massive layoffs, huge numbers in unemployment, and total business shutdowns for many.

So, where does that leave you and your business?

Like so many others, you’ve probably wondered if updated, upgraded technology could be of service to you during this challenging time. Could digital solutions help you maintain order and a steady stream of revenue?

Needless to say, you’re barking up the right tree.

Now, more than ever, having the right technology for the right jobs is critical for your company. Still, finding out what “the right technology” is for your business is easier said than done.

We spoke to several experts in the tech industry to find out more. Here’s what they had to say about finding the optimal technology solutions for your business during this tough time.

How Can Technology Help Save Your Business From Coronavirus-Related Damage?

1 – VoIP will help your remote workforce stay connected.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is essentially an Internet-based phone system. It’s what you’re using if you’ve ever used Skype, Facebook Video, or Google Phone to make a call. Of course, Zoom meetings are also using Voice over Internet Protocol.

Ilan Sredni of Palindrome Consulting, Inc. says: “With a remote workforce, the use of VoIP phone technology and remote connectivity can help [you] stay connected and productive.” Of course, “staying connected” is the real challenge when it comes to working from home — as most of us are. Wil Buchanan, President of Philantech3 Consulting Group, agrees: “One of the biggest challenges presented to business leaders during the COVID-19 Pandemic is that of staying connected with team members.”

VoIP solves this. To invest in VoIP for your business, you should be looking for a reasonably priced, full-service provider who can help you scale their services to the size and breadth of your company. For example, consider whether you need international calling capabilities or whether you want to scale back as much as possible because you’re still a startup. A good IT company should be able to help.

2 – Increased security can protect out-of-network devices and connections.

To be sure, security is always of the utmost importance. Therefore, ideally, your business would have had robust IT security and protection prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. Adequate firewalls, passwords, malware monitoring, and other protections are essential to any business — no matter your size or industry.

Today, however, security threats are slightly different. The same threats of phishing scams, hidden malware, and ransomware plots remain. These are still risks that you should take seriously. At the same time, with most employees working from home, there are other issues to consider as well. Namely, Ilan Sredni warns that “proper security protocols need to be implemented in order to continue to work remotely without putting any of the company information at risk.”

That’s because, at home, your employees will inevitably be connecting to the Internet via their home Wi-Fi and/or their mobile data network. These networks leave much to be desired by way of safety and security. When employees use these compromised connections along with sensitive company programs and when they access sensitive company data via their personal devices, it makes the work of a hacker easier than ever.

Speak to an IT security specialist to install the proper protective software that will prevent these issues.

3 – Work productivity platforms help employees collaborate.

While you and your employees used to gather in meetings and chat about projects at the water cooler, collaboration is now much more of a challenge. It may appear that a simple phone call — or even a video call — can easily replace an in-person meeting, but most know that this simply isn’t true.

Fortunately, there are a number of programs and systems available to help you and your workers collaborate effectively and in real-time. Says Ian Hansen, also of Philantech3, “Technology available during this pandemic can help [you stay] connected to work and family (including important meetings that use web camera and microphone) when physical means may not be possible … Work productivity platforms such as MS Teams or Slack especially can help companies work together. Fortunately, this can be done in a secure manner thanks to recent security protocols.”

4 – An increased social media presence can keep your customers and clients informed.

When your company works closely with customers and clients, it’s essential to keep them informed of the goings-on of your business. If you are in the customer service industry, your patrons need to know whether your business is still operating as usual, how to access their accounts (if applicable), and what you are doing to protect them from the effects of the pandemic.

For this, nothing works better than social media. Even if you didn’t have social media accounts (or you didn’t use them frequently) prior to the pandemic, now is the time to start engaging your followers via sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Both within your business and on a global scale, Ian Hansen of Philantech3 states that “Information delivered through media channels, social, in particular, helps keep everyone informed about health directives and news about the battle against the coronavirus.”

Pro-Tip: Don’t Go Overboard With Technology Until You Know What You Need

As a final note, listen to Wil Buchanan’s advice about choosing the right technology for the job:

“Start by clearly defining the job to be done, and then employing the right technology. A common fail that we see, is when business leaders start with a technology solution and then try to tailor their business problem to fit the solution.”

With all of these tips in mind, consider speaking to an IT specialist in your area today about implementing some new technology solutions for the benefit of your business. During these challenging times, there’s not much that can improve the circumstances, but investing in better, stronger technology within your company is one important exception.