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The Dos and Don’ts of Cosplay

The Dos and Don’ts of Cosplay

Cosplay is a blended word taken from costume and play, which sees thousands of people dressing up as their favorite characters every year. There are so many fun reasons why people get into cosplay, and being able to go to conventions and meet like-minded people who are portraying chosen personalities can be an exciting experience. That being said, as with any organized events, there are some dos and don’ts that are polite to follow.
This piece will take a look at some of these guidelines so that you can enjoy cosplay conventions much more easily.

Do Pick Who You Want to Be

Whether it is a regular fancy dress party or one of the most iconic comicons that exist, there can sometimes be a certain underlying pressure to be a specific character. This could be because a new game or anime show has been released, or perhaps you are a massive fan of characters who are far less known and feel awkward about dressing up as someone who might not be as easily recognized. Whatever it is – do not worry about it. You are not going to be happy or comfortable if you go as a character you do not truly love or want to represent, so make sure to choose something that makes you happy, and the rest you can take or leave. If you cannot wait to get stuck into creating your cosplay outfit, then find yourself some cosplay supplies and get creating.

Do Not Worry About Others

As with daily life, it can be easy to worry about what other people might think about us, but really that takes away a lot of our enjoyment. There will be people that want to nit-pick your costume or might have certain ideas about how it should look rather than how it actually looks, and these are people you want to pay no mind to. However, many cosplayers will be respectful and encourage other people’s outfits, and these are the people you want to focus on. Likewise, make sure not to compare your outfit to others or judge other people’s efforts – be positive and offer compliments. There will be people who are just as nervous as you!

Do Get Consent

If you love someone’s outfit or they are cosplaying as your favorite character, you might want to get a photo with them. Many people will be more than happy to pose with you for a photo, but make sure to get consent first. Taking pictures of people in public might be allowed legally, but it is not good etiquette. Also, make sure you are taking photos for the right reasons. No one wants to find themselves on the internet being shamed for their costume or their portrayal of their chosen character. To do so is unkind and not within the spirit of cosplay and comicons. 

The most important thing about going to a cosplay event is having fun and even making long-lasting friendships based on this unique mutual interest. These tips will help prepare you for the event.