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What Is Depression?

What Is Depression?

One of the most prevalent mental health concerns affecting how patients feel and act is major depressive disorder. Depression is a condition that causes patients to lose interest in activities they enjoy doing. This condition can cause severe complications for patients who do not receive treatment because it causes loss of focus and thus might interfere with productivity. Fortunately, Howell ReYou has developed treatment plans for depression to help patients become hopeful of the future and enjoy life.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Patients must be aware of the signs and symptoms of depression to detect the condition in its early stages and seek medical intervention before complications develop. The following are the most prevalent symptoms of depression among patients:

Physicians confirm major depressive disorder when patients report persistent symptoms for at least one month. Physicians usually conduct a comprehensive assessment to rule out underlying medical conditions that mimic depression.

Is depression different from sadness or grief?

There are specific situations like the heartbreak of losing a loved one that might induce intense feelings of sadness or grief. It is critical to find out the cause of your unhappiness to address your emotions better. Most patients think they have depression because they are sad. However, being sad is a normal emotion. However, depression is a medical condition that may cause severe complications like unproductivity and suicide if left untreated. The following are the differences between sadness, grief, and depression:

It is essential to seek help for your grief and depression to boost your mood and promote the best version of yourself. Contact ReYou if you suspect that you have depression to start treatment and prevent complications.