
How to get more Instagram Likes by using the best hashtags?

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Are you getting mad that you do not have enough likes on Instagram? Do you want to get more Instagram likes but don’t have dollars to pay for adverts? Do you have likes, but they are not the one that is your niche? Well, we got a cool solution for you – and the good news – you can get tons of likes in no time!

So how does it work?

The idea is very simple – and to implement it we will use a free extension that can be installed on your Google Chrome browser. It has the following features:

  • Famous popular people/influencers have got lots of followers. You want to target those followers.
  • Famous people/influencers use specific hashtags. If you use the hashtags that they use – their likes will be exposed to your posts. Makes sense, ha?
  • Conclusion: you want to use the same hashtags been used by influencers in your niche.

Great! Nice plan, but how do I do that?

Well, we have good news for you: there is a brilliant free hashtags tool that can do most of the work for you. When we say free – we mean that it is 100% free – you do not need any credit card details, and it does not have any dodgy limitations or trial periods… it is fully 100% free and accessible in the Google Webstore. It is working only on Google Chrome though. Here is an explanation of how to use it:

  • You install the free tool in your Google Chrome browser – this is 5 minutes.
  • Click the “hashtag” button in the right top corner, and click login with facebook. It is crucial to use a valid Facebook account with Email and name, otherwise, your account may be revoked (this is the only condition of TagPredict)


  • Now, once you follow the Facebook login process, you need to see a screen like this:
  • Wait! Don’t do anything yet, listen to this: in your browser, enter Instagram. Once the screen is loaded, click the TagPredict button in the right top corner.
  • Now, click the “scraper” tab, and choose “only top 40 tags”. This tells the scraper to load the top popular 40 tags!
  • Click the button “start”, and wait for 2-3 minutes – the automatic pilot will scrape all the top hashtags from the influencers’ accounts! Once it is done, you should see the best hashtags on your screen
  • Now – click “copy”, this copies the top hashtags to your clipboard. Compile a post to Instagram, and paste the hashtags to your post. Bingo! The top influencers’ hashtags are now in your feed!
  • Continue to do this process for every post you make. Note that you start to get new likes, and… good ones – from your working niche!
  • Recommend to friends! The way TagPredict is working, the more users they have, the statistics are better. They use the social algorithm, like UBER and WAZE what makes it better to help others!

Want to get gazillion likes in no time then buy Instagram likes from reliable providers. They are very cheap than the Instagram advertisement.