
3 Labiaplasty Top Advantages

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Were you born with asymmetrical labia? Have the size, shape, and/or color of your labia significantly changed, causing irritation or embarrassment? For instance, following pregnancy and childbirth, the labia can darken, and their size and shape can slightly change. This is due to the increased blood flow causing darkening. The surge can also make the labia majora (outer lips) retract, meaning the minora (inner lips) show or appear larger. Hawthorne labiaplasty can help address such concerns by reducing the labia tissues’ size and contouring it to a desirable shape.

Labiaplasty is a quick surgery that trims and reshapes your labia. It typically takes an hour under local or general anesthesia to eliminate discomfort. Labiaplasty is a safe and effective plastic surgery delivering notable benefits, including:

1.         Eliminate irritation and discomfort

Irregular labia can irritate even when not engaging in sexual acts. This gets worse if you have large labia tissue. Since the labia is a highly sensitive area, it can easily get irritated. This means irregular or larger labia tissue can impact your routine since activities that cause friction or pressure around the area become uncomfortable and irritating.

Irregular or larger labia may force you to avoid or give up your favorite activities like cycling or horseback riding, among others. The irritation could get worse when engaging in sexual intimacy, taking pleasure out of the equation. Labiaplasty helps you reduce the size and get a symmetrical shape. This reduces irritation and discomfort, helping you navigate daily living activities easily.

2.         Enhance sexual pleasure

Asymmetrical and more prominent labia can suck the joy of sexual intimacy. You can experience pain during foreplay, intercourse, and after sex. The sensitive area is put under pressure and friction, which irritates the labia, causing pain. This worsens when dealing with other challenges like vaginal dryness or low sex drive.

Labiaplasty eliminates the pain and irritation and, with the improved sexual sensitivity, helps restore pleasure. You won’t be thinking about the pain and irritation that follows the sexual act, which further helps supercharge the pleasure.

Healthy sexual intimacy is beneficial in many ways beyond closeness to your partner. This includes lowering anxiety and depression risk, and improving the immune system, heart health, and sleep quality. You don’t have to let irregular and large labia stand in your way of realizing such benefits since you can correct the concerns through labiaplasty.

3.         Improve confidence

Do you like how your labia look? If it is saggy and asymmetrical, self-consciousness can kick in. This means you won’t be as comfortable engaging in intimate activities. The self-esteem can drop and even impact other faculties. For instance, low self-esteem can affect your relationships and productivity.

A lack of confidence can make you second-guess virtually everything you do, which can significantly impact the quality of your life. Labiaplasty helps you spot a look you like. You’ll easily engage in intimate connections, have a healthier relationship with your partner, and enjoy a more fulfilling life as the confidence extends to other areas.

Talking about your labia and other private areas may not be the most fun conversation. Nonetheless, giving it the tender love and care it deserves is critical as you strive to improve the quality of your life. Visit Marina OB/GYN today for more on labiaplasty and discover how it can help improve the size, shape, and color of your labia.