On a budget and don’t want your hard-earned money going to ridiculously high electricity bills? There are a lot of things that can help you save up and conserve energy year-round at Lentor Central Residences. Here are 5 tips to do so.
Let Natural Light In
Infusing natural light in your home can help save huge energy consumption. It’s free and doesn’t generate heat from electricity, unlike artificial lighting, while brightening your home. When it is sunny or cloudy, let it in by opening blinds or windows and soak under the sunshine vitamin!
Switch to LED
LED lights are today’s best choice because they have a longer lifespan, entail lower maintenance costs, and are energy efficient compared to lighting alternatives. With smart lighting, you can control how it illuminates and make the room brighter or dimmer depending on the ambiance you want to achieve.
Identify and Unplug Energy Vampires
There are appliances that are not being used that suck out the energy in the house and result in a higher bill. Make it a practice to turn off appliances or anything that is not being used, commonly a phone or laptop charger, coffee machine, hair dryer, and game console on standby. Figuring out and shutting these down can help significantly save energy in your home.
Use Fans Whenever Possible
If it is not that hot outside and the weather is nice, use a fan and open your windows to ventilate and air things out, and keep yourself fresh without relying too much on air conditioning which can take up so much energy especially when used all day.
Educate Family Members
Letting your family members know how to be resourceful and save energy can go a long way in building discipline because they will be more mindful and aware of their actions, such as switching off lights and unplugging devices when not in use. You can all take part and work together to conserve energy around your home.