
How To Avoid Sports Injuries

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Adults and children alike can benefit from participating in sports, which provides both physical activity and an outlet for their competitive natures. However, sporting activities often bear their risks. Often, Sports Health Northwest, Inc patients inquire about sports injury prevention recommendations. Although your physician cannot guarantee you or your kid will always remain healthy, adopting these measures could reduce the odds of suffering an injury. In this post, Portland sports injuries specialist Dr. David N Westerdahl highlights some of the best tips to assist you in preventing sports-related injuries.

Warm Up Correctly

Jumping from the automobile onto the court or field is a surefire method to sustain an injury. The muscles require time to warm up. Allow them to acclimate to rapid movements, large strides, and quick cutbacks to ensure their safety. Likewise, perform mild cardiovascular exercise and stretching before every game or practice session.

Utilize Appropriate-Sized Equipment

Numerous sports require gear, ranging from protective padding to specialized footwear. For adequate protection, you must wear the proper gear. For example, a football helmet that is not properly secured will not protect you from a hard impact.

Have a Physical Exam Before the Kickstart of the Season

Numerous youth sports teams demand a preseason physical to identify possible health problems. During this appointment, your physician might identify an issue affecting your athletic performance on the field. However, a physical is not only beneficial for kids, adults as well should undergo one. Besides, always the most efficient method for preventing injuries is preventative care.

Participate in Various Sports and Cross-Train

Repetitive usage injuries are prevalent in activities where the same actions are repeated, including weightlifting, golf, and tennis. Cross-training or participating in many sports challenges the body by utilizing a range of tendons and muscles. Besides, you reduce the stress on the body by engaging in various sports.

Obtain Adequate Rest

Whenever the body rests, it restores itself; this involves obtaining a minimum of eight hours of sleep every night, but young athletes might demand more. Similarly, it also involves taking rests when the body becomes fatigued. Overtraining may result in harm. If every session entails strenuous exercise, your body does not have time to recover from the previous session. You might begin to lose form, which could lead to injury.

Take Breaks

Another great measure to avoid sports injuries involves pausing through sporting activities. All athletes must take a break from their sport during the offseason to allow their muscles to recover from regular exercise. Additionally, young athletes must not compete year-round in any activity.

Allow Injuries Sufficient Time to Recover

Do you realize the consequences of returning too rapidly from an injury? Often, you suffer an injury again. If you overcompensate for your previous injury, you might re-injure yourself or develop a new issue. Follow your physician’s advice, and keep your coaches updated on your situation. To ensure your safety, your physician must have all information on your recuperation.

Attempting to avoid injury would assist but will not ensure a good sports season. If you want to optimize your performance on the pitch, you need to pursue the services of a sports injuries specialist. Whether you want treatment for a pre-existing injury or want to avoid injury, Dr. David N Westerdahl of Sports Health Northwest, Inc can help. Schedule an appointment today through mobile or request online to explore your care options.