
Outstanding Benefits of Having Retainers

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Most people look towards having a perfect smile through having dental alignment. They usually undergo orthodontic work where they have braces or Invisalign. After completing the orthodontic process, the person is supposed to use retainers to prevent teeth from shifting and reverting to their previous position. If you have completed the orthodontic process, you should embrace Durham retainers to maintain the teeth in the perfect position. The following are the advantages you will enjoy by having retainers.

It Saves the Teeth from Shifting

When the braces or Invisalign are removed, the teeth are at risk of moving back to the position they were before if no measure is taken. The retainers are customized to maintain your teeth’ structural integrity for the rest of your life. It is crucial to maintain the proper retainer wear during the first month since this is the time the teeth are at a higher risk of reverting to their original shape.

It Helps to Maintain Oral Hygiene

It is always easier to clean your teeth when they are aligned. The crooked teeth can cause grooves and crevices, storing food debris and bacteria. The person will have to brush and floss these teeth more than when they are not aligned. Even though straightening the teeth has a cosmetic advantage, it also has a health-related benefit. One of the reasons is that crooked teeth can cause cavities, infections, and other chronic problems. The retainers will help the person to maintain this state saving them from these conditions. 

It Helps to Maintain Outstanding Speech and Breathing

One of the areas that your teeth alignment affects is your breathing and communication. Even though most people do not note this when you have misaligned teeth, it affects the positioning of your tongue when communicating, affecting your pronunciation. Moreover, you could suffer from breathing problems and snore at night. Retainers will help to maintain your teeth in perfect position, saving you from breathing and communication problems.

It Protects You from Tongue Thrust

Some people sometimes thrust the tongue forward as they talk, swallow, or when the tongue is resting. You will likely push the teeth forward if you have a tongue thrust. This process could ruin the teeth that have been aligned. The specialist will use the retainers to hold the teeth in a fixed position even when you try to push them with the tongue.

It Helps to Avoid Clenching

After the orthodontic treatment, your mouth will start feeling different since you no longer have the braces of Invisalign. To adapt to this sensation, some people could start clenching their jaw. The specialist can use retainers to remind you not to clench. This measure would help protect you against headaches and teeth grinding.

Have you completed your orthodontic treatment and are looking for a place where you can have special retainers? You should look no more since myOrthodontist is here for you. The facility has been attracting many clients due to the great dental treatments that it has been offering over the years. Contact the facility to book an appointment and overcome the worry of having misaligned teeth again.