
What is Non-Surgical Hair Restoration?

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Non-surgical hair restoration is a cosmetic treatment that helps people with thinning or balding hair to restore their natural look and confidence. It is one of the safest and most effective ways to get new hair growth. During the procedure, your physician uses small needles to inject tiny amounts of proteins, vitamins, and minerals into the scalp. This promotes healthy hair growth in both men and women who have lost hair due to aging or genetics. Non surgical hair restoration Austin is completed in three sessions, spread out over nine months. Each session requires an appointment time of one hour or less and only requires local anesthesia.

What are the benefits of non-surgical hair restoration?

  • There is no downtime: You can return immediately to your normal activities after an FUE procedure; you won’t need to worry about doting on a bandage or worrying about how you’ll explain a shaved head.
  •  It is less invasive: Since it is less invasive than surgery, recovery time is shorter. In most cases, patients can leave their doctor’s office a few hours after their procedure.
  • Control the effects of male pattern baldness: It is often used to combat the effects of male pattern baldness and related conditions, but it can also be used to enhance a hairstyle or disguise scars. Although non-surgical hair restoration has been around for centuries, recent technological advances have enabled more realistic results with far less downtime. Many people choose to undergo non-surgical hair restoration because they do not want to risk surgery or other invasive procedures that can result in scarring or infection.
  • It is affordable: Non-surgical hair restoration is affordable compared to surgical techniques. Although there are several options for surgical hair restoration, the most popular ones can be very expensive and require frequent follow-ups with a surgeon, which is not exactly a low-cost and low-hassle option. In contrast, non-surgical hair restoration products are inexpensive and convenient.
  • No risk of bleeding or infection: One key benefit of non-surgical hair restoration is that it doesn’t have the same risk of infection or bleeding as surgical hair restoration. The medication used in non-surgical hair restoration is designed to stimulate the production of new hair follicles, which appear in a growth phase after two to three months. This new growth can be seen within four to seven months and will remain stable for up to two years.
  • Helps you attain a new look: Non-surgical hair restoration also allows you to get a great look without having to undergo the discomfort of surgery. The creams and products used in non-surgical hair restoration contain no chemicals or harsh ingredients like those found in topical treatments for male pattern baldness. You apply the product and go about your day without pain or irritation.
  • It is reversible: Some people have a lifelong dedication to the pursuit of a perfect head of hair, while others are satisfied with the current state of their hair but are still unhappy with its appearance. If you’re sure that you want to make a long-term investment in your hair’s appearance, then surgical restoration may be right for you. But if you’re uncertain whether your desire for a perfect head of hair will fade over time, then non-surgical options might be better suited to your needs.

If you are looking for a solution to your hair loss that requires no needles, scalpels, or anesthesia, reach out to Texas Hair Restoration Center professionals. They will perform non-surgical hair restoration, a non-invasive way to regain the volume and thickness you have lost due to hair loss. It can be used to conceal bald spots and fill in gaps that occur in a person’s hairline.