WordPress is a tool designed for everyone, emphasizing accessibility, performance, security, and ease of use. WordPress is an open source content management system, you can use for customizing your content and website.
There are some of basic information about WordPress you should to know and it will help you to understand WordPress easily.
1. WordPress is THE Most famous Content Management System in the World:
Worpress is the most famous and widely used CMS in the world. WordPress has more websites than any other content management system (CMS) in the world. In fact, WordPress now powers 30 percent of the web.
Somewhere between 60 to 70% of websites that use a CMS are built on WordPress. This CMS is the most commonly used CMS in the world because of its flexibility and compatibility. This is user friendly CMS and has a lot of features, you can use to create and maintain your website easily.
2. Plugins Let You Add a TON of Functions to WordPress without coding:
WordPress has large number of plugins you can use for different purpose. There are both free and paid plugins available on WordPress that can do virtually anything without the need to write code from scratch.
Right now, there are over 50,000 plugins available in the WordPress directory. Some premium plugins give you extra features that can add even more functionality to your sites.
Plus, if you know PHP, you can further customize any plugin and theme; you want to do exactly what you need it to do. Or, build your own plugin from scratch.
3. Some Really High Profile Brands Using WordPress:
A myth about WordPress is that since it is open source, it may not be good enough for big brands but this is totally wrong. Do you want to know which high profile brands are using WordPress? The list of names of these brands is too long but we are sharing some big names such as Sony music, Microsoft news, TechCrunch, The Walt Disney company, Facebook Newsroom, Vogue, Toyota Motors Brazil, Usain Bolt, Angry Birds, Quartz, PlayStation Blog, Star Wars News, Bata, TED blog, ETC. If WordPress is powerful enough for these sites, then it is powerful enough for almost any website you need to build.
4. WordPress is Free and open source:
WordPress is a totally free and open source content management system. You never have to pay for WordPress, and you can make any changes you want to the site’s code.
You can use WordPress for multiple sites and for any site you want, and for as many sites as you want, without purchasing additional licenses. There are also multiple no. of free themes and plugins available all of which you can use and customize your content and website.
5. WordPress Sites are Easy to Manage:
WordPress sites are easy to manage, both in terms of maintenance of your site or maintenance of your client’s site. WordPress gives you a lot of features you can use for maintaining you content and website easily. WordPress also helps you overcome your problems meaning if you face some problem while using WordPress you can directly contact the technical team and they will give you a solution within a short period of time.
There is free support available from the community, but if needed there is premium support available from a variety of developers. So if you run into an issue you really can’t figure out on your own, you can always hire someone to help.