Cosmetic companies currently spend millions of dollars a year in performance tests on their products. Each time these tests are more thorough and seek to maximize the standards of the products, taking care of every little detail, and reaching the best levels of safety. Here’s a list of the most common cosmetic testing services you can choose from.

Efficacy Test
These tests are developed by applying different standardized tests. Three different ways stand out. The first instrumental tests, when they make use of instruments to measure parameters previously defined in a protocol. The second, sensory or perceptual, when tested by consumers themselves or trained experts, using the senses that provide information mainly on the perceived benefits. Finally, dermatological or clinical trials imply that the studies are supervised by a qualified professional.
In Vitro Testing
In vitro tests (in vitro means “inside the glass”) are those that are generally carried out in a controlled environment (such as a laboratory) outside the living organism, on a sample taken from it. The reference to glass is related to the fact that, in the laboratory, the sample mentioned above is usually worked on in a test tube or on a glass plate. In this way, the effect of specific agents on the organic matter can be studied without being directly applied to a subject.
Skin Irritation Test
The Primary Irritability Study allows knowing if the product is irritating immediately, a few minutes or hours later, presenting a physiological alteration, which can usually be inflammation or redness of the skin.
In turn, this test allows us to know if the product can be irritating due to its accumulation over days or weeks.
Sensory Test
Sensory analysis is a scientific technique to measure, analyze, and interpret neural responses induced by the contact of our senses with objects, products, and substances.
There are some aspects of the products that an instrument cannot perceive; that is why we go to test subjects to evaluate these characteristics, such as their consistency, humidity, color, etc.
Animal Testing Alternatives
Animal testing is still a reality, even though there are many campaigns to try to stop them. Although many companies have eradicated such practices in their tests, there are still others that choose to test new ingredients in live animals to have more information about their effect.
However, everything indicates that these tests will be a thing of the past since every year, new equipment and studies are developed to analyze the products without being applied in living subjects, so using animals will no longer be necessary.

Seeing the wide variety of tests that must be performed on a product before this, if you want to go on the market, we realize that many previous studies are needed before they reach our hands.
That is why it is now necessary to investigate who is conducting these studies to be sure that the product we are applying to our skin passed by all standards. While there are many cosmetic laboratories, not all have the highest technological levels that meet the requirement of the modern consumer. So when thinking of a company with the most advanced technology, you cannot think of any other than Landproof. It has the most trained professionals and the most precise instruments to perform the efficacy, safety, and sensory tests of skincare products that can be counted today.
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