
Indispensable Remedies For Arthritis

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Anyone can develop arthritis regardless of age or gender, although it is more prevalent among older adults. If left untreated, arthritis may deteriorate and limit your mobility, educating your life quality. If you are looking for relief from arthritis, Dr. Vinay Chopra may have the solution for you.

How can you know if you have Arthritis?

Arthritis is a chronic disorder that causes inflammation, excruciating pain, stiffness, and swelling in the affected joints. There are several forms of arthritis, each with unique symptoms. If left untreated, arthritis can cause a significant negative impact on your life, such as permanent disability.

The severity of arthritis symptoms may vary from one patient to another. These symptoms may range from dull aches to debilitating pain that prevents you from carrying out your physical activities. If you experience stiffness, swelling, reduced range of motion, and pain, you may have arthritis. Arthritis can affect any joint, but it often develops in the spine, elbow, knee, ankle, lower back, and shoulder.

Myths about Arthritis

Although arthritis is a common degenerative disorder, several misleading myths may prevent you from seeking the recommended medical care for your symptoms. The most widespread myth about arthritis is that it only affects older adults.

While it is true that older adults are vulnerable to degenerative diseases, children and young adults are also at risk of developing arthritis. Some people believe that there is no treatment for alleviating your symptoms. Depending on your diagnosis, the Genesis Orthopaedic and Spine team create an individualized treatment plan to prevent the progression of arthritis while improving your symptoms.

It may seem therapeutic to avoid exercise when experiencing pain or inflammation, but inactivity may cause your joints to deteriorate at an alarming rate while aggravating the swelling and pain. Low-impact activities such as yoga keep the joints healthy and improve your range of motion. Another myth is that your diet does not affect joint inflammation. A healthy diet may not cure arthritis, but it can improve your symptoms.

What Treatments Prevent the Progression of Arthritis?

During your first visit to Genesis Orthopaedic and Spine, your provider may conduct a thorough physical exam and review your health history to determine if you have arthritis. The team may recommend conservative medications t the beginning of your treatment before moving on to invasive treatments.

They may recommend regenerative medicine like stem cells and PRP. Platelet-rich plasma is a cutting-edge technique that uses concentrated platelets from your blood sample to promote faster healing. After drawing some blood from your body, the specialists pass t through a centrifuge to separate the platelets from plasma. Your provider then injects the PRP solution into the affected joint to promote your body’s natural healing powers. Your doctor may also recommend bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) Lipogems and cortisone injections.

It may take some time before you start noticing the improvements from regenerative medicine. You may begin experiencing an improvement in your symptoms a few weeks after your treatment.

To explore other treatments for arthritis, call the Genesis Orthopaedic and Spine or book your spot online.