Workers are the most important assets for any organization. It is they who make your machines work. Committed workers, salespeople and managers bring customers to your office. These people bring in more profits that lead to further growth and development of your enterprise.

Many companies take their employees for granted. Not surprisingly, these
companies have a high attrition rate too. If you are an ambitious CEO, high
attrition rates should worry you; over a period, people will avoid your company
for employment. So, the key question is- how can you encourage your employees
to work more? How can you earn their trust?
This short article lists some steps down that you can take in this direction.
1. Make your company a fair and transparent place-
Don’t hide things from your colleagues. If you have promised something to someone, keep that promise. Don’t make any excuses to avoid that promise. One way of being transparent is to sit with your employees from time to time and share your opinions, thoughts, and feelings with them. During appraisal time, use all those meetings to draw the big picture; your people will love this approach.
2. Reward your high performing employees-
This reward can take many forms like cash incentives, gifts, holiday packages, etc. People work for money, and money is an important motivator. They work because they want to enjoy life and fulfil their family obligations. Help your performers reach their goals by rewarding them. If you are hunting for great gifting ideas, look up companies like Global Reward Solutions.
3. Surprise them-
Every employee looks forward to getting annual bonuses and raises. That is normal. But how about surprising some of them with frequent promotions or raises? While this is a difficult area to navigate, we’d still recommend this step to you. The element of uncertainty will keep your employees on toes and make them work even harder.
4. Personal touch-
Another way of encouraging employees is to have a personal touch with them. And please, calling employees by their first names isn’t all there is to ‘personal touch’. Show warmth and spontaneity while interacting with them. Ask them about their families, and talk about your personal goals too. Track the progress of their children. You won’t contribute much to the progress of their children, but asking questions will make your employees feel better.
5. Offsites-
Motivate your employees by conducting offsite once a while. Offsites are a little more than picnics; it is about mixing ‘work with pleasure’. When people from different departments meet each other in an offsite, there will be more collaboration, and thus, more productivity. This will also refresh your staff. If you haven’t planned any offsite yet, this is the time for having one.
6. Decision making-
This will be tricky for many decision-makers. How often have you consulted others while making key decisions? If you haven’t, why don’t you start doing it now? Involve your key employees in your decision-making process. Ask their opinion, and value it. You will be surprised how much your lieutenants will respect you and your company.
7. Share your vision-
The company that your head doesn’t belong to you alone. There are other stakeholders, too, like your employees. Once a while, you could share your vision with them. Make your vision yours. Make them think that their future is intertwined with the company.
These are some of the steps that you could consider for encouraging your employees. Please remember that your staff is not just another cost centre; it is a profit centre. It is time you took your employees along for growth and profitability.